Lotta Rahlf

Lotta Rahlf

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin / Researcher
Transnationale Politik
Forschungsgruppe Radikalisierung


E-Mail: rahlf@prif.org


Seit 2023Dokto­randin im EU Marie-Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Net­work VORTEX am PRIF
2023Wissen­schaftliche Mitarbeiterin im Forschungs­projekt PrEval am PRIF
2022Praktikantin bei der Mobilen Beratung gegen Rechts­extremismus Berlin
2022Lord Sedwill Handa CSTPV Dissertation Prize
2022Wissen­schaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Handa Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence, University of St Andrews, im Forschungs­projekt „Constraining Violence” (CREST)
2022Wissen­schaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Handa Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence, University of St Andrews, in der Campbell-Studie „Case manage­ment inter­ventions seeking to counter radicali­sation to violence“
2022MLitt Terrorism and Political Violence, University of St Andrews, Vereinigtes Königreich
2021–2022Stipendiatin des Deutschen Akade­mischen Austausch­dienstes
2021B.A. International Relations and Inter­national Organization, Rijks­universiteit Groningen, Niederlande
2018–2023Stipendiatin der Studien­stiftung des deutschen Volkes


Lotta Rahlf ist Ansprechperson für die folgenden Themen

  • Radikalisierung
  • Rechtsradikale Gewalt und Bewegungen
  • Terrorismus
  • Verschwörungs­ideologien


On the challenges of evaluating efforts to prevent a causally complex phenomenon such as violent extremism | 2024

Rahlf, Lotta (2024): On the challenges of evaluating efforts to prevent a causally complex phenomenon such as violent extremism, VORTEX Blog, 21.2.2024.

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Evaluating extremism prevention efforts: Insights from 14 countries | 2023

Rahlf, Lotta / Ebbecke, Sophia / Bressan, Sarah / Herz, Angela (2023): Evaluating extremism prevention efforts: Insights from 14 countries. Interview with the PrEval working package on International Monitoring, PrEval, 18.12.2023.

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Good Lives in Right-Wing Extremist Autobiographies | 2023

Rahlf, Lotta / Paalgard Munden, Hanna / Marsden, Sarah / Bhuiyan, Kamruzzaman / Rigault Arkhis, Hanna / Taylor, Aimee (2023): Good Lives in Right-Wing Extremist Autobiographies, 10.10.2023.

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From Democratic Resistance to Hostility against a “Covid-Regime” – Conspiracy Theories as Cross-Milieu Catalysts of Radicalization | 2023

Rahlf, Lotta (2023): From Democratic Resistance to Hostility against a “Covid-Regime” – Conspiracy Theories as Cross-Milieu Catalysts of Radicalization, in: Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, DOI: 10.1080/1057610X.2023.2169894.

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End-to-End Encryption and Counterterrorism – Untying the Gordian Knot with State Hacking? | 2022

Lotta Rahlf, End-to-End Encryption and Counterterrorism – Untying the Gordian Knot with State Hacking?, St Andrews, Scotland: The Handa Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence, 2022, 23, https://cstpv.wp.st-andrews.ac.uk/research/occasional-papers/.

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Beyond Healthy Skepticism: Exploring German News Media Framing of Terrorism-Affiliated Women Returnees | 2021

Rahlf, Lotta (2021): Beyond Healthy Skepticism: Exploring German News Media Framing of Terrorism-Affiliated Women Returnees, in: Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, https://doi.org/10.1080/1057610X.2021.2017395.

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Is the Nature of War Changing? Time to Avoid a Supposedly Unavoidable Question | 2021

Rahlf, Lotta (2021): Is the Nature of War Changing? Time to Avoid a Supposedly Unavoidable Question, 11.6.2021.

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