GNET Roundtable on Incel communities and Incel identities

Research, prevention, and technological counter-measures in the manosphere

Einsamer Mann vor Fenster. Foto: Sasha Freemind (via

The Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF) and the Global Network on Extre­mism and Techno­logy (GNET) cor­dially invite you to a GNET Round­table on Incel commu­nities and Incel iden­tities – Research, preven­tion, and techno­logical coun­ter-mea­sures in the mano­sphere, taking place on April 19th, 15:00 – 16:30 CET, online.

Over the past years, mult­iple countries have seen severe exam­ples of violent anti­femi­nist radi­cali­zation, inclu­ding killings in Isla Vista, USA (2014), Toron­to, Cana­da (2018), and Plymouth, UK (2021). Multiple perpe­trators were affili­ated to so-called Incel commu­nities of hetero­sexual men who are 'involun­tarily celi­bate', i.e. do not succeed in estab­lishing sexual rela­tions with women. As part of the so-called 'mano­sphere' – an umbrella term descri­bing miso­gyny-domi­nated online spaces that are used to discuss expe­riences of mascu­linity – the radi­cali­zation of these attackers has sparked increa­sing aca­demic interest over the past years and research efforts conducted so far unco­vered a signi­ficant overlap with the far-right. In order to better address those who identify with Incel narra­tives and prevent future violence, a more nuanced under­standing of the mano­sphere, of Incel commu­nities and their iden­tities, as well as the digital context in which they are formed and maintained, is needed. This GNET Round­table connects experts on anti­femi­nism, the mano­sphere, Incel commu­nities, and online prevention to discuss exis­ting knowledge and paths forward. A special focus is put on the question of how Incels construct their (involun­tary) iden­tity, in order to explore entry points for commu­nication with them as well as the question of how platforms can address this pheno­menon.

We are excited to be joined by Greta Jasser (Fellow at the Institute for Research on Male Suprem­acism/Research Associate at FoDEx, Uni­versity of Göttin­gen), Dr. Elizabeth Hintz (Assistant Professor of Health Commu­nication at the Uni­versity of Conne­cticut), and Stine Helding Rand (Psycho­logist with the Centre for Digital Youth Care, Denmark) as speakers, and look forward to welcoming many of you for an interesting discussion.

If you would like to join this Round­table, please send an e-mail with your full name and affi­liation to Mona Klöckner at PRIF (kloeckner @hsfk .de). Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.