Environmental Crisis – Crisis Environments

Leibniz Research Network Kickoff Conference with Helmut Aust, Katharina Hornidge and Manuel Wörsdörfer

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After eight years of research on the mechanisms, dynamics and inter­dependencies of crises, the Leibniz Research Alliance "Crises in a Globalised World" draws to a close and will merge into the new Leibniz Research Network "Environ­mental Crisis – Crisis Environments."

In order to set the agenda for this new network, Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF) is hosting a virtual kickoff conference with various experts on climate, development, international law and finance.


When: Thursday, December 9, 11:30 – 16:00 (CET)
Where: Online via GoToMeeting | Please contact Sophia Wenzel to register

Please note that the conference will be held in English.


11:30 – 12:30 | "Climate Change Litigation before National and Inter­national Courts – Potential and Limits" – Prof Dr. Helmut Aust, Freie Universität Berlin

Helmut Aust has been Professor of Public Law and the Inter­nationalization of the Legal Order in the Department of Law at Freie Universität Berlin since 2016. He conducts research on basic questions of the international legal order (esp. sources of law, responsibility, collective security, and human rights) as well as on comparative foreign constitutional law.

12:30 – 13:00 | Lunch Break

13:00 – 14:00 | "Sustainable Futures? Cascadings Risks and German Development Policy" – Prof Dr. Katharina Hornidge, Director German Development Institute

Prof. Dr. Anna-­Katharina Hornidge is Director of the German Development Institute (DIE) and Professor for 'Global Sustainable Development' at the University of Bonn responsible for the field of development sociology. Ms. Hornidge's research focuses on (a) the role of different types of knowledge in and for change processes and (b) natural resource governance issues in agricultural and marine contexts.

14:00 – 15:00 | "Climate Finance – A Business-Ethical Analysis" – Prof Dr. Manuel Wörsdörfer, The University of Maine

Dr. Woersdoerfer is an Assistant Professor in SCIS and Collaborating Assistant Professor with the Business School at the University of Maine. His main research interests are i.a. Climate ethics/justice (with a special focus on financial institutions and climate change mitigation); Business (ethics) and human rights.

15:00  – 15:15 | Short Break

15:15  – 16:00 | Wrap Up Session