The African Union and Post-Coup Intervention in Madagascar

Online event by the African Studies Centre at the University of Oxford with Antonia Witt


Since the begin­nings of inde­pendence, a number of African nations have been plagued by repeated coup d'états. Within the African Union (AU), there has been a concerted effort to break this cycle through the official adoption of an ‘anti-coup norm’, by which the AU is mandated to suspend a member state and restore consti­tutional order following a coup. Sup­porters of this stance see it as streng­thening democracy in Africa, while critics argue that it has served to prop up existing regimes. But there has been little analysis of what the AU’s attempts to ‘restore consti­tutional order’ have meant for indi­vidual African states.

In the online event "The African Union and Post-Coup Inter­vention in Mada­gascar" by the African Studies Centre at the University of Oxford, Antonia Witt (Senior Researcher at PRIF) will present main findings from her book "Undoing Coups" about the legacy of the AU’s inter­vention in Mada­gascar following the 2009 "Malagasy crisis", one of the increasingly relevant yet under-researched cases of non-Western inter­vention in Africa. The book looks at the ways in which inter­national inter­vention recon­figured the political order in Mada­gascar, how it facili­tated the power struggle within the Mada­gascan elite and prevented more profound political change. It also considers what the example set by the Mada­gascan inter­vention means for the wider inter­national order in Africa and the powers attributed to African inter­national actors such as the AU.


The African Union and Post-Coup Intervention in Madagascar

When: 20 May 2021, 3pm (BST)
Where: Online event

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