The Role of Coercion in Peacebuilding: Insights from Africa in an Interregional Perspective

PRIF holds international workshop on the role of coercion in peacebuilding together with KAIPTC and IPSS

Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre in Accra, Ghana

Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre in Accra, Ghana. Photo: KAIPTC

This inter­national research work­shop is to create a space for ex­change on the role of coercion in peace­building. Around 35 inter­national researchers are invited to share and discuss insights from Africa in an inter­regional perspective. The Kofi Annan Peace­keeping Training Centre (KAIPTC), the Institute for Peace and Security Studies (IPSS) and the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF) are wel­coming you in Accra, Ghana, from 05 to 07 October 2022!

The 2.5-day prog­ram is organized in the­matic panels allowing for an in-depth dis­cussion of under­lying research perspectives and ideas. The first panel brings to­gether scholars who work on varied aspects of coercion in peace­building using different theoretical and metho­dological approaches and aims at concep­tualizing coercion. The second and third panel takes coercion into view by drawing from empiric case studies. The fourth panel focuses on regional organi­zations in peace­building, and the fifth panel is dedicated to non-traditional or new state actors in peace­building. The latter three panels analyse the app­roaches of these new or non-traditional actors in how they differ from inter­ventions by traditional peace­building actors and, in particular, they discuss the role of coercion in inter­ventions of these actors. All partici­pants will provide short dis­cussion papers prior to the work­shop. Every panel will have a chair who guides the session. As we under­stand the collective aim to be an open exchange in order to define joint research strands, we will not allocate individual dis­cussants but rather want to involve all participants in the discussion. In addition to the panels, a World Café in the beginning as well as a roundtable at the closing day will further facilitate dialogue.

After the work­shop, the partners developed a report on main outcomes of the workshop. The report can be downloaded here. 

When: October 05 to 07 October 2022
Where: Accra, Ghana

This workshop is made possible by a financial contribution from the Fondation Avec et Pour Autres.

Workshop Program

For more information, please see the attached workshop program.

If you have further questions regarding the workshop, please contact Sophia Birchinger.