Mobilizing against Autocratisation: Trust in Protest

Digital Panel Mobilizing against Autocratisation: Trust in Protest

How can protesters and dissen­ting voices of civil society and oppo­sition effec­tively resist
demo­cratic backsli­ding? What sources of trust do protesters build upon and how does trust
evolve during mobili­zation? What strategies of oppo­sition do activists choose if
auto­crati­sation proceeds speedily or more slowly, and when demo­cratic insti­tutions are
dismantled, the division of powers abolished, and protesters and judges are being arrested?

This digital panel co-orga­nized by ConTrust (GU/PRIF) and CoMMonS (UCPH) discusses
country case studies and trans­national connec­tions between social movements resisting
auto­crati­sation. Focusing on current protest events in Hungary, Israel and Tunisia, researchers
critically discuss local tactics and cultural reper­toires of strategies as well as knowledge
exchange between pro-demo­cratic movements worldwide.


Prof Dr Andrea Petö, CEU: How to survive the illi­beral turn and laugh
Dr Noa Milman, CoMMonS Research Center UCPH: Civic protests against auto­crati­sation in
Dr Irene Weipert-Fenner, PRIF/ConTrust: Tunisia: Too little too late? Mobi­lizing against re-
auto­crati­sation in Tunisia
Prof Dr Jonas Wolff, ConTrust (GU/PRIF): Comment from a compa­rative perspective
Prof Dr Nicole Doerr (CoMMonS/ConTrust: Mode­rator)

When: May 22 2023, 10.00 GMT+1

Where:  Online via Zoom