Russia’s Invasion in Ukraine: The Potential for Diplomacy in Times of War

International Webinar with Christopher Daase, Caroline Fehl, and Stefan Kroll

Secretary-General António Guterres (third from left) meets with Denys Shmygal (third from right), Prime Minister of Ukraine, in Kyiv, Ukraine.

Secretary-General António Guterres (third from left) meets with Denys Shmygal (third from right), Prime Minister of Ukraine, in Kyiv, Ukraine | Photo: UN/Eskinder Debebe

There is still no end in sight to the war in Ukraine. The time for diplomatic solutions has not yet come. On the contrary, dip­lomatic attempts to prevent the war are widely consi­dered to have failed. The number of neutral states suitable for medi­ation is limited. And yet diplo­macy is neces­sary – even and espe­cially in war. It is still some­what likely that this war might end through nego­tiations and not victory, when no more gains can be made by conti­nuing to fight. Against this back­ground, what can diplo­macy achieve at the mo­ment and what poten­tial does it have for which actors? These questions will be dis­cussed in this online expert dis­cussion.


  • Dr M. Sakhawat Hussain, Senior Fellow, SIPG, NSU Bangladesh
  • Ambassador Shahidul Haque, Profes­sional Fellow, SIPG, NSU Bangladesh
  • Prof. Dr. Christopher Daase, Expert on inter­national security, diplomacy, international organi­zations and insti­tutions at PRIF
  • Dr. Caroline Fehl, Expert on inter­national security policy, huma­nitarian law and inter­national criminal justice, and trans­atlantic relations at PRIF



When: Thursday, May 12, 2022, 3:00 p.m. (Dhaka Time) | 11:00 a.m. (Central European Summer Time)
Where: Online via Zoom | Meeting ID: 952 6380 8645 | Passcode: 157799

The event is orga­nized jointly by the Center for Peace Studies (CPS) which is located under the South Asian Institute of Policy and Gover­nance (SIPG) at North South Univer­sity in Dhaka, Bangladesh, and PRIF.