Ukraine and Russia: An Intercontinental Peace Ethical Conversation

Conference in Berlin with Jonas J. Driedger

Logo Humboldt-Universität und Text "Peace Ethics Colloquoy. Ukraine and Russia: An Intercontinental Peace Ethical Conversation"

Depending on the global, but also the European context, peace ethical per­spectives on the Russian-Ukrainian war differ consi­derably. While many Northern, Western, Middle and South Eastern European states – among them Poland, Finland, the Baltic states, but also Great Britain, France, Italy or Germany – stress the illegiti­macy and illegality of Russia's invasion in Ukraine according to inter­national law, some European (among them Hungary) and many states in the global South and East take a very different stance. Thus, important inter­national agents like South Africa, China or India have ab­stained from voting on UN resolution A/RES/ES-11/1 (March 2nd, 2022) and also the renewed reso­lution A/ES-11/L.7 (February 23rd, 2023); Brazil's president Lula da Silva claims neu­trality in the conflict. South African officials under­stand Russia as a long-standing ally and the conflict as a reca­librat­ion of the global order – and they don't stand alone with that view.
Thus, an inter­conti­nental public theological and inter­discipli­nary conver­sation on peace ethics that takes decolonial perspec­tives into account without giving up claims of uni­versal validity of human rights issues is called for. The work­shop aims to bring together theo­logians, political scientists and peace ethicists from three conti­nents in Berlin for an engag­ing conver­sation.

From PRIF, Jonas J. Driedger will participate in Panel I “The Geopolitical Situation”. 

When: February 19–20, 2024

Where: Humboldt University Berlin

Organized by the European Academy on Religion and Society (EARS) and the Berlin Institute for Public Theology (BIPT)

Please register until February 13 at

For further information and the full program, please see the conference flyer (PDF download)