China in the South Pacific: No new hegemon on the horizon

In HSFK-Report 9/2009 Roland Seib examines the reasons and possible consequences of China’s commitment in the South Pacific

China’s influence in the South Pacific has considerably increased over the past years. Continuously it extended its diplomatic presence and cooperation related to development policy. Are these indicators for a maturing new world power that might claim a leading role on the global level?


In HSFK-Report 9/2009 China im Südpazifik: Kein neuer Hegemon am Horizont (China in the South Pacific: No new hegemon on the horizon) Roland Seib explores the reasons for China’s commitment in the South Pacific, reassesses the validity of the postulated policy of non-interference and investigates the alleged independence of the Chinese development cooperation. He also examines whether China might become a threat for the security architecture in the South Pacific.