The German Bundestag and the UN Mission in Mali

New PRIF Report by Thorsten Gromes examines the arguments for continuing the mission

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Foto: ©Bundeswehr/Jana Neumann

MINUSMA, the United Nations Multi­dimensiona­l Inte­grated Stabiliz­ation Mission in Mali, came to an end in 2023. MINUSMA and the German contri­but­ion to it were extended again and again, even as the interim results and prospects of success deterio­rated more and more. The new PRIF report “Ausstieg verpasst? Der Bundes­tag und die UN-Mission in Mali” (in German) examines the argu­ments used by the Bundes­tag to justify the German contri­but­ion to the mission. The analysis reveals dyna­mics that favor conti­nuat­ion regard­less of the course of the mission. Exit strategies can also have a hard time coun­ter­ing these dynamics, and it turns out that it is far more diffi­cult to end a mission than to start it.

Thorsten Gromes is a Senior Researcher and project manager in the research depart­ment “Intra­state Conflict”. He con­ducts research on humani­tarian military inter­ventions, peace­building, and the causes of civil wars.

Download (pdf): Gromes, Thorsten (2024): Ausstieg verpasst? Der Bundestag und die UN-Mission in Mali, PRIF Report 2/2024, Frankfurt/M.