Dialogue processes can be a solution to conflicts between global companies and local actors

HSFK-Report 11/2014 takes a close look at conflicts of resource extraction in Peru, pointing out dialogue mechanisms as solution.

The extraction of natural resources is often accompanied by massive conflicts.  The negative outcomes of the resource extraction for the population are a cause of violent outbreaks between local actors, the countries government and global companies. How can they be handled? Even though there are many conflicts concerning this topic, solutions are rare.


In HSFK-Report 11/2014 “Natürliche Ressourcen, lokale Konflikte und Dialog als Antwort. Das Beispiel Peru”Annegret Flohr shows that multistake-holder dialogue processes can be a solution. The dialogue processes, putting all conflict parties on a “round table”, can work out compromises. Even if those processes need to pair with certain conditions, Annegret Flohr offers a well-founded solution approach to conflicts in the extractive sector based on two examples.


This HSFK-Report is available as a free PDF download and as print copy at PRIF for 6 € (in German).