Hessian Peace Prize 2014 presented to Rubem Cesar Fernandes

The latest HSFK-Standpunkt documents the awarding ceremony of the Hessian Peace Prize 2014 to Rubem Cesar Fernandes who founded the NGO "Viva Rio" which fights crime and violence in Brazil and Haiti.

The winner, Rubem Cesar Fernandes, of the Hessian Peace Prize 2014 was awarded for his commitment towards peace and against the violence in Brazil  through his NGO "Viva Rio" founded in 1993. "Viva Rio" gets activley involved in fighting violence and decreasing the criminality in Favelas all over Brazil. Since 2004 Viva Rio is cooperating with the United Nations and also internationally active in Haiti, by contributing development-aid and desaster managment projects.


The latest HSFK-Standpunkt 09/2014 "Menschen eine Perspektive eröffnen. Dokumentation der Verleihung des Hessischen Friedenspreises 2014 an Rubem Cesar Fernandes" documents the awarding ceremony of the Hessian Peace Prize 2014 to Rubem Cesar Fernandes which was held in the Hessian State Parliament. Prof. Dr. Michael Brzoska, Director of the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg, held the laudatory speech for the award recipients.


The HSFK-Standpunkt is available as a free PDF download (German only)