New PRIF Series of Working Papers

The new publication series will start with contributions by Lisbeth Zimmermann and Klaus Dieter Wolf

Starting August 2010, a new series of working papers in German/English will complement PRIF’s range of publications. The contributions will be published at varying intervals and will only be available electronically for download. This uncomplicated publication mode allows an insight into current basic research, puts up drafts concerning central research issues for discussion and stimulates scientific exchange and information.


Editions two and three in the new series focus on the local reactions to democracy promotion in fragile post-conflict states(Lisbeth Zimmermann “Same same or Different? Local Reactions to Democracy Promotion between Take-over and Appropriation“) and on the question to what extent corporations can make contributions to peace-building and conflict prevention (Klaus Dieter Wolf “Output, Outcome, Impact: Focusing the Analytical Lens for Evaluating the Success of Corporate Contributions to Peace-Building and Conflict Prevention“).


Edition one is reserved for introducing the new research program of PRIF “Just Peace Governance“ and will probably be published in autumn.