Research on the Political Dimension of Rebel Governance

Launch Event of the Special Issue of “Small Wars & Insurgencies” on the topic of Rebel Governance: Authors and PRIF staff discuss the research results.

Discussion at the launch event of the Special Issue of "Small Wars & Insurgencies" on Rebel Governance.

The editors Hanna Pfeifer and Regine Schwab. © PRIF

Rebel gover­nance has become a distinct field of research in peace and conflict studies in recent years, but its poli­tical dimension has received too little atten­tion so far. To change this, PRIF resear­chers Hanna Pfeifer and Regine Schwab have put together a special issue of “Small Wars & Insurgencies”. Among many other scholars, PRIF researchers Jonas Wolff and Laura Camila Barrios Sabogal also contri­buted as authors.

Last Thursday, a launch event took place to mark the publi­cation of the issue. Here, Regine Schwab first out­lined the content and high­lighted the key findings. Afterwards, Laura Camila Barrios Sabogal, together with Solveig Richter, presented their article on the Colom­bian peace process and the “reinte­gration” of former FARC fighters. Following this, PRIF guest researcher Zhou Yiqi commen­ted on the Special Issue, empha­sizing inno­vative approa­ches and identi­fying points of depar­ture and ideas for future research.

This then led into the following discussion, where the partici­pants exchanged thoughts on the following potential research questions.

The Special Issue can be found at this link: Small Wars & Insurgencies: Vol 34, No 1 (