Scenario workshop on Ecuador

Jonas Wolff speaks at the BMZ about perspectives on the current conflict in Ecuador

Zivipersonen und Militär mit Fahrzeugen auf einer Straße

Foto: Ceibos, Militares ecuatorianos durante el conflicto armado interno, January 13, 2024, by CC0 1.0

On March 14, 2024, a non-public work­shop on Ecuador took place at the Federal Ministry for Economic Co­operation and Development (BMZ) in Bonn, attended by Jonas Wolff, PRIF board member and co-spokes­person of TraCe, together with Elena Dressler, student assistant at PRIF.

The work­shop was based on a scenario analysis of the inter­play between the dynamics of violence and poli­tical develop­ment in Ecuador, which Jonas Wolff and Elena Dressler had prepared in consultation with BMZ and the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ). On this basis, the back­ground, in­fluencing factors, im­plications and re­commendations for action for German develop­ment cooperation with Ecuador were discussed at the work­shop.