
Cardboard hashtag in the shipping container, Amsterdam (Photo: Jan Baborák, Unsplash, Unsplash License).

Open Access Publication on the Staging and Mobilization of Right-wing and Islamist Actors

Abiy Ahmed with military commanders 2019 (Photo: Office of the Prime Minister, Ethiopia, Flickr, Public Domain).

New PRIF Spotlight by Felix Bethke on the Instrumentalization and Politicization of Identity in Ethiopia

Spinning Top

On PRIF Blog, Alena Zhabina casts light on China’s interests in post-coup Myanmar


New article from Samantha Ruppel about non-state actors in peace and security in Africa – on PRIF Blog

Vorstellung des neuen Rüstungsexportberichts der GKKE durch die Prälaten Jüsten und Dutzmann auf der Bundespressekonferenz am 16.12.2021.

Joint Conference Church and Development (GKKE) presents the Arms Export Report 2021 at the Federal Press Conference

Gambians use marbles vor voting (Photo:

PRIF Blog by Omar Bah, Sait Matty Jaw and Sophia Birchinger on the December 2021 elections in Gambia

Skulptur Tiger & Turtle, Magic Mountain, Duisburg (Foto: Calvin fitra Anggara, Unsplash, Unsplash License).

How Can Umbrella States Build Bridges at the Upcoming NPT-RevCon in January 2022? PRIF Blog by Sascha Hach

Gespräch zwischen Biden und Putin am 7. Dezember 2021 (Photo:

PRIF Blog by M. Dembinski and M. Polianskii on the Russian military build-up near the Ukrainian border


Statement of the Alliance of Science Organizations

Kuppel des deutschen Bundestags (Photo:

An Analysis of the Coalition Agreement of the Future German Government - PRIF Blog (in German)
