Rule and Resistance in the Nuclear Order. Colonial Imprints in the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and Anti-Colonial Revolt in the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

This research project examines the inter­twining of nuclear and geo­politics and identifies structures of rule in the nuclear order as well as resistance to it. The Nuclear Non-Prolife­ration Treaty (NPT) is considered as the central inter­national legal frame­work for these structures of rule. The discussion of resistance focuses on the Treaty on the Prohi­bition of Nuclear Weapons (TPN). Since states from the global South in particular supported the TPN, there is a focus on possible anti-colonial motivations. Also, the clear hierarchy of the nuclear order suggests an analysis of rule from a critical, post­colonial perspective and an emphasis on the view of actors of resis­tance.

For this thesis, the emer­gence of a hierarchy of quali­tatively different spheres of action and influence in a given social context is charac­teristic for rule. This under­standing lends itself to application in an inter­national context and accom­modates the research interest in resistance.

Critical and post­colonial analytical tools are used to discuss the nature of the structures of rule in the nuclear order. On this basis, six components of colonial character will be explored. In addition to the two treaties, their norm structure and norm genesis, quali­tative inter­views serve as the data basis. In parti­cular, the perception and eva­luation of the actors of the resis­tance will be key through­out the analysis.