VORTEX - Coping with Varieties of Radicalization into Terrorism and Extremism

PRIF is part of the the EU-funded Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Net­work VORTEX, which brings toge­ther eight part­ners (univer­sities and re­search insti­tutes) and which will em­ploy ten docto­ral candi­dates. 14 asso­ciated part­ners will contribute to the docto­ral net­work with profes­sional exper­tise and second­ment opportu­nities. VORTEX’s over­arching aim is to develop new evi­dence-based inno­vative strate­gies to cope with ideo­logical and beha­vioural radica­liza­tion. VORTEX will pro­vide an inte­grated and meaning­ful re­search pro­gramme not only but prima­rily for docto­ral candi­dates to pursue their research in a fruit­ful and meaning­ful dia­logue among rele­vant disci­plines and in a dense web of super­vision, trai­ning, and inter­action to jump start both success­ful and rele­vant ca­reers.

PRIF coordinates the work pack­ages on (1) “The ambi­valences of the inter­section between uni­versal and selec­tive preven­tion of extre­mism”, which is imple­mented jointly with with Université libre de Bruxelles and Vio­lence Preven­tion Net­work, and (2) "Compa­ring Struc­tures of Evalua­tion and Know­ledge Manage­ment across Eu­rope in the field of Pre-ven­ting and Coun­tering Vio­lent Extre­mism”, which is imple­mented jointly with Univer­sity of Oslo and Vio­lence Preven­tion Net­work. PRIF is involved as well in the work pack­ages on "Extre­mist iden­tity crea­tion and mea­ning-making at the nexus between on­line and off­line environ­ments“ (coor­dinated by Université libre de Bruxelles) and on "Secondary/Tertiary Prevention: Dera­dicali­sation, Dis­engage­ment and Rein­tegration: Approa­ches of secu­rity agen­cies, social service agen­cies and civil socie­ty“ (coor­dina­ted by Univer­sity of Oslo). In addi­tion, the PRIF project leader is member of both VORTEX execu­tive com­mittee and VORTEX super­visory board.

Further details can be found on the VORTEX website.