Dialogue between science and politics

Researchers at PRIF hold expert talks with leaders from politics and civil society

Nicole Deitelhoff and Christopher Daase in conversation with Marcel Rommerts and Johannes Bahrke of the European Commission (Photo: PRIF).

As part of the Mer­cator Science Policy Fellow­ship Program, PRIF hosted ten exe­cutives from federal minist­ries, inter­national organi­zations, the EU Com­mission and non-governmental organi­zations on November 14, 2019.  They held expert discus­sions in small groups with the Institute's resear­chers on the topics of mig­ration and refugees, civil society influ­ence on inter­natio­nal politics, democ­racy in Europe and Germany's foreign policy.

Nicole Deitelhoff, Exe­cutive Director of PRIF, empha­sizes the impor­tance of engaging in dialogue with practioners: "The dialogue between science and practice is very profi­table for both sides. The fellows inform them­selves about the current state of research on their fields of interest, while we scien­tists get to know new perspec­tives on our fields of work."

The fellows of the prog­ram work for the Fede­ral Foreign Office, the Federal Mini­stry of Finance, the Fede­ral Audit Office, the Euro­pean Com­mission, the United Nations, the German Red Cross and Mal­teser Inter­national. Since 2016, the Mercator Science Policy Fellow­ship Prog­ram, initiated by the Rhine-Main universities, has promoted bridging the gap between scien­tific insti­tutions in the Rhine-Main region and the policy sector.