Great Power Multilateralism and the Prevention of War

A 21st Century Concert of Powers? Volume presents project findings – edited by Harald Müller and Carsten Rauch

New world order in the 21st century? (Foto: flickr/Mike Mertz, CC BY-NC 2.0,

New world order in the 21st century? (Foto: flickr/Mike Mertz, CC BY-NC 2.0,

Great-­power conflict and great-­power war are still the most dangerous risks the inter­national community is facing today. The volume Great Power Multi­lateralism and the Pre­vention of War. Debating a 21st Century Concert of Powers, edited by Harald Müller and Carsten Rauch, invest­igates the feas­ibility of a modern day concert of powers as a way for manag­ing the risk of great power conflicts in the 21st century. This basic premise is hist­orically inspired by the 19th century Euro­pean Concert which ensured a period of except­ional peace­ful­ness among the Euro­pean great powers and limited the scope and duration of conflicts.

The volume presents the out­comes of the research project “A Twenty-­First Century Concert of Powers”. The research project system­atically ex­amined the conditions re­sponsible for the (early) success as well as the later de­cline and ultimate fail of the “Euro­pean Concert” in order to relate them to cur­rent inter­national conflict dynamics.

The chapter authors – among them Konstanze Jüngling, Daniel Müller, Harald Müller, Carsten Rauch and Hans-Joachim Spanger – dis­cuss the achieve­ments and limits of the hist­orical concert, define the re­quire­ments that a new concert would have to meet, criti­cally eva­luate obstacles and risks of the ap­proach and indicate how a 21st century concert of powers could comple­ment, and fit into, the present legal and insti­tutional set­ting of global politics.

The edited volume „Great Power Multi­lateralism and the Pre­vention of War. Debating a 21st Century Concert of Powers“ is published by Routledge.