International Authors' Workshop on Coercion in Peacebuilding

Report on workshop by PRIF, KAIPTC and IPSS published

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As part of the “Coercion in Peacebuilding” project, a joint book is being deve­loped that exa­mines strategies and practices of “new” actors in peace­building in particular. In prepa­ration, an inter­national authors’ workshop was held in Accra, Ghana, in Novem­ber 2023. A workshop report now summa­rizes the key findings and recapi­tulates the contri­butions presented. The report is available for down­load on the PRIF website.

The workshop in November 2023 was divided into three the­matic blocks. The first session, entitled “Concep­tualiz­ing Coercion”, was dedicated to concep­tualizing and theori­zing coercion in peace­building. In addition to historical dis­cussions, this session also focused on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and consi­derat­ions from a gender perspective.

The second and third sessions were dedi­cated to so-called “new” actors, which have been in the spot­light along­side traditional, mostly Western actors for several years. The contri­butions addressed the extent to which the approaches of these “new” actors from the Global South differ from convent­ional approaches. The second thematic block, “Regional Organiz­ations”, dealt with regional organiz­ations as “new” actors in peace­building, with a focus on African organi­zations.

The third session, entitled “Bilateral South-South Coope­ration”, also focused on so-called “new actors”. The panelists discussed whether countries such as Brazil, China, Turkey and South Africa are question­ing or changing estab­lished norms of peace­building that have been shaped by inter­national organiz­ations and large tradi­tional partners from the Global North.

With this second inter­national workshop, PRIF continues its colla­boration with partner institutions Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Center (KAIPTC) and Institute for Peace and Security Studies (IPSS). The workshop was made possible by the generous support of the Fondation Avec et Pour Autres.

Download the workshop report (PDF)