Islamists in Transition

In PRIF Study No. 27 Karima El Ouazghari analyzes the transition of the Islamic Action Front in Jordan and the An-Nahdha in Tunisia in changing contexts

How do Islamist movements change? Which parts of their Islamic frames, such as the role of religion, violence, democracy, gender and Shari'a,  changed with the structures of expediency and which parts stayed constant? In PRIF Study No. 27 "Islamisten im Wandel. Die Islamic Action Front in Jordanien und die An-Nahdha in Tunesien in sich verändernden Kontexten", Karima El Ouazghari answers these key questions by analyzing to Islamist movements from a comparative perspective: the Jordanian Islamic Action Front (1989-2010) and the Tunisian An-Nahdha (1981-2011).


The author conducted numerous interviews with Islamist representatives and analyzed their most important documents. One of the main results of the study shows the highly complex coherence between state repression and violence behavior of Islamist movements. They only reacted violently on state repression, if certain preconditions were fulfilled. The coherence between the liberalization of the state and the democratization of the movements proved to be complex for both case studies.


This PRIF Study is available at Nomos publishing house.