Standards for a gender-sensitive peace policy

Workshop organized by PRIF aims to promote better implementation of UNSC Resolution 1325

[Translate to English:] Screenshot einer Videokonferenz

[Translate to English:] Screemshot des Workshops

On November 17, PRIF and GAIC (Gender Associa­tions Inter­national Con­sulting GmbH) organized an online work­shop aimed at a better implemen­tation of the UN Security Council Resolution 1325 "Women, Peace and Security". The par­ticipants developed concrete ideas on how to ensure equal par­ticipation of women in peace pro­cesses and the pro­tec­tion of women and girls in conflicts both effec­tively and sustai­nably.

The work­shop was financed by the German Federal For­eign Office. It addressed in particular the planning staff of those for­eign ministries that are already successful in imple­menting a gender-sensitive peace and security policy. A PRIF project team with Dr Simone Wisotzki (leader), Dr Julian Junk and Anjo Peez was responsible for planning and coordination.