Research Project "Salafism in Germany"

The project "Salafism in Germany" presents six informational videos and a HSFK-Report series

The Research Project "Salafism in Germany" aims to contribute to a better understanding of Salafism and Jihadism in Germany. PRIF identifies the existing demand for consultation within politics, administration and society, develops appropriate instruments of knowledge-transfer and coordinates cooperation among various experts. Detailed information on the project can be found at a separate project website: (an english version is currently under construction).


Following the publication of a HSFK-Standpunkt, an article series on the Sicherheitspolitik-Blog and an corresponding eBook, the project now releases a series of short videos and publishes the HSFK-Report series "Salafismus in Deutschland".


The six videos offer knowledge about various dimensions of Salafism and Jihadism in Germany. Experts explain the fundamentals of the topics, introduce current trends and make recommendations for action.


The series "Salafism in Germany" offers a differentiated view on Salafism and Jihadism in Germany with six HSFK-Reports. The interdisciplinary teams of authors combine scientific and practical expertise.

The following Reports are available for free download or can be ordered at PRIF for 6€ (in German only):

Klaus Hummel, Melanie Kamp, Riem Spielhaus: Herausforderungen der empirischen Forschung zu Salafismus. Bestandsaufnahme und kritische Kommentierung der Datenlage,  HSFK-Report Nr. 1/2016. (HSFK-Reportreihe „Salafismus in Deutschland“, hrsg. von Janusz Biene, Christopher Daase, Svenja Gertheiss, Julian Junk, Harald Müller).

Marwan Abou Taam, Claudia Dantschke, Michael Kreutz, Aladdin Sarhan: Kontinuierlicher Wandel. Organisation und Anwerbungspraxis der salafistischen Bewegung, HSFK-Report Nr. 2/2016. (HSFK-Reportreihe „Salafismus in Deutschland“, hrsg. von Janusz Biene, Christopher Daase, Svenja Gertheiss, Julian Junk, Harald Müller).

Wolfgang Frindte, Brahim Ben Slama, Nico Dietrich, Daniela Pisoiu, Milena Uhlmann, Melanie Kausch: Wege in die Gewalt. Motivationen und Karrieren salafistischer Jihadisten, HSFK-Report Nr. 3/2016. (HSFK-Reportreihe „Salafismus in Deutschland“, hrsg. von Janusz Biene, Christopher Daase, Svenja Gertheiss, Julian Junk, Harald Müller).

Christoph Günther, Mariella Ourghi, Susanne Schröter, Nina Wiedl: Dschihadistische Rechtfertigungsnarrative und mögliche Gegennarrative, HSFK-Report Nr. 4/2016 (HSFK-Reportreihe „Salafismus in Deutschland“, hrsg. von Janusz Biene, Christopher Daase, Svenja Gertheiss, Julian Junk, Harald Müller).

Rüdiger Lohlker, Amr El Hadad, Philipp Holtmann, Nico Prucha: Transnationale Aspekte von Salafismus und Dschihadismus, HSFK-Report Nr. 5/2016 (HSFK-Reportreihe „Salafismus in Deutschland”, hrsg. von Janusz Biene, Christopher Daase, Svenja Gertheiss, Julian Junk, Harald Müller).

Aladin El-Mafaalani, Alma Fathi, Ahmad Mansour, Jochen Müller, Götz Nordbruch, Julian Waleciak: Ansätze und Erfahrungen der Präventions- und Deradikalisierungsarbeit, HSFK-Report Nr. 6/2016 (HSFK-Reportreihe „Salafismus in Deutschland“, hrsg. von Janusz Biene, Christopher Daase, Svenja Gertheiss, Julian Junk, Harald Müller).


Currently, there is an edited volume in preparation which will be released in the second half of 2016 at Campus-Verlag.


Partner of the project is the German Foundation for Peace Research (DSF).

Sponsor of the project is the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).