The Policy of the Bush Adminstration towards Iran after 2005

In HSFK-Report 5/2008 Bernd W. Kubbig and Sven-Eric Fikenscher scrutinize the different concepts of foreign policy towards Iran

It is generally agreed in the Bush Administration that the Iran may not gain any nuclear weapons. But there are conflicting opinions how to avert it. Bernd W. Kubbig and Sven-Eric Fikenscher reveal in their HSFK-Report The Policy of the Bush Adminstration towards Iran after 2005. Frictions – competing concepts – chances of success two different concepts. Stated aim of the “Neocons” is to topple the government in Teheran if needed by a military strike. For the conservative realists the subversion of the Islamic government isn´t  indispensable. They bank on the instruments of the classical containment policy. In their detailed study the authors demonstrate that the American policy towards Iran is alternating between the two concepts. But both concepts haven´t been successful yet. Bernd W. Kubbig and Sven-Eric Fikenscher conclude by recommending a change of strategy: talking at eye level with the Teheran leadership to strengthen the position of  the moderate fraction of the Islamic regime.