
Vladimir Putin und Angela Merkel 2006 in Tomsk (Photo:

PRIF Blog by Vera Rogova on the end of the Merkel-era and the parties' proposals for dealing with Russia

Paulskirche Frankfurt

PRIF develops content guidelines for a “Democracy Center Paulskirche” on behalf of the City of Frankfurt

Szene vor einer Moschee in Djenné, Mali (Photo:

Blogpost by Sophia Birchinger on the parties' goals regarding conflict transformation and peacebuilding

Logo der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft

PRIF and 20 other institutions of the Leibniz Association conduct research on the "Value of the Past"

Krisenprävention hat sich zu einem Leitmotiv deutscher Außenpolitik entwickelt (Photo:

PRIF Blog: Melanie Coni-Zimmer and Jens Stappenbeck summarize the parties' strategies for civilian crisis prevention (in German)

Welche Afrika-Politik formulieren die verschiedenen Parteien im Wahlkampf 2021? (Photo:

PRIF Blog by Sophia Birchinger on the parties' positions and goals on future cooperation with Africa (in German)

Profilbild vom lächelnden Prof. Dr. Thilo Marauhn vor einer Bücherwand.

Thilo Marauhn has been appointed at Amsterdam Law School. In his research, he will focus on international arms control law.

„Unteilbar“-Demonstration, 2020 in Berlin (Photo:

Blogpost by Hannah Friedrich on the restrictions of the Covid-19-pandemic for the youth (in German)


R. Wagner and J. Wolff compare the parties' strategies for Germany's future democracy promotion policy (in German)

UN-Pressekonferenz zum Schutz der Menschenrechte indigener Frauen aus dem Jahr 2018 (Photo: © UN Photo/Manuel Elías).

Blogpost by Clara Perras, Victoria Scheyer and Simone Wisotzki on the parties' positions in the election campaign (in German)
