
On the internet, nobody knows you're a cat. (Photo: flickr,, CC BY-NC 2.0)

Anonymity and its Prospects in the Digital World - Working Paper No. 38 by Thorsten Thiel

Friedhof in Srebrenica (Foto: Julian Buijzen,, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Reaktionen auf das Urteil gegen Ratko Mladić - ein Beitrag für PRIF BLOG von Thorsten Gromes

Prof. Shirley Scott (Foto: UNSW Sydney)

Shirley Scott, Professorin für Internationale Beziehungen an der University of New South Wales, zu Gast an der HSFK


Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik in den nächsten vier Jahren: Antworten der Friedensforschung - Symposium am 27.11.

United Nations police officers of the UN Mission in Timor-Leste. (Photo: flickr, UN Photo/Martine Perret,, CC BY-NC 2.0)

Expert workshop at PRIF on the legal and practical challenges of UN Policing

Neue Weltordnung im 21. Jahrhundert? (Foto: flickr/Mike Mertz, CC BY-NC 2.0,

A 21st Century Concert of Powers? Volume presents project findings – edited by Harald Müller and Carsten Rauch

A building in Marawi is set ablaze by airstrikes carried out by the Philippine Air Force (Photo: Mark Johmel, CC BY-SA 4.0)

The Framing of Political Violence in the Philippines - new blog post on PRIF BLOG by Martin Rietzler


Steps to codify meaningful human control as a principle of international humanitarian law - PRIF SPOTLIGHT by Elvira Rosert

Warum werden Frauen Terroristinnen? (Photo: picture alliance / AP Photo)

Against a stereotypical approach to female terrorism - blog post by Eva Herschinger

"Solidarity without borders instead G20"- Demonstration 2017 in Hamburg (Photo: flickr, Rasande Tyskar,, CC BY-NC 2.0)

Identity, Narrative and Memory in the European Global Justice Movement
