Corona Monitor

Since March 2020, the corona pandemic has accelerated politics and social processes in Germany in a way that makes valuation difficult. The imple­mentation of an online pad to document the social transformation in times of Corona responds to this situation. The pad collects data on all politically and socially relevant aspects of the pandemic in an open process. Initially the Critical Geography Working Group, the Network of the Association for Critical Social Research (AkG) as well as of the Institute for Social Movement Studies (ipb) were invited to participate directly. The result is probably the most comprehen­sive collection of data, information and references to further projects on very different facets of the corona crisis in Germany. The collection, which will be continu­ously expanded, is intended to serve as a research infra­structure and provide the basis for accomp­anying research and future scientific analysis of the corona crisis. In order to structure, review the sources and archive the collectively created database, Daniel Mullis and Paul Zschocke have initiated an independent website and a Zotero database.

Link to the homepage:

Link to the PAD:

Link to the Zotero database:

Peripheries, politics, centralities: geographies of COVID-19 | 2021

Mullis, Daniel (2021): Peripheries, politics, centralities: geographies of COVID-19. Reflections from a German perspective on and beyond Biglieri et al, in: Cities and Health, DOI: 10.1080/23748834.2021.1964909.

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Corona und Gesellschaft | 2021

Bäckermann, Louisa / Birke, Peter / Malanda, Jean Ravel / Mullis, Daniel / Keil, Daniel / Pott, Maike / Reinhardt, Darius / Zschocke, Paul (Hg.), (2021): Corona und Gesellschaft. Soziale Kämpfe in der Pandemie, Wien: Mandelbaum Verlag,

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COVID-19: The Making of Unsafe Places in Germany | 2021

Mullis, Daniel (2021): COVID-19: The Making of Unsafe Places in Germany, in: Global Dialogue, 11:2, 28-29.

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Peripherien und Zentralitäten: Geographien von Covid-19 | 2021

Mullis, Daniel (2021): Peripherien und Zentralitäten: Geographien von Covid-19. Überlegungen zu Roger Keils Beitrag zu der translokalen Vorlesungsreihe „Geographien von Covid-19“ sowie der aktuellen s u b \ u r b a n-Debatte zum „Ende des Städtischen“, in: sub\urban. Zeitschrift für Kritische Stadtforschung, 9:3,

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Protest in Zeiten von Covid-19: Zwischen Versammlungsverbot und neuen Handlungsräumen | 2020

Mullis, Daniel (2020): Protest in Zeiten von Covid-19: Zwischen Versammlungsverbot und neuen Handlungsräumen, in: Forschungsjournal soziale Bewegungen, 33:2, 528–543, DOI: 10.1515/fjsb-2020-0045.

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Mit der Corona-Krise in eine autoritär-individualistische Zukunft? | 2020

Mullis, Daniel (2020): Mit der Corona-Krise in eine autoritär-individualistische Zukunft? Fünf Dimensionen gesellschaftlicher Transformation, PRIF Blog, 21.4.2020.

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