Business Power and the State in the Central Andes

Book Launch with Jonas Wolff

Book Cover: Business Power and the State in the Central Andes

The book, ‟Busi­ness Power and the State in the Central Andes”, ana­lyses how busi­ness elites have influ­enced state policy making in Bolivia, Ecua­dor and Peru over the past century: during the phase of im­port substi­tutive industria­lization between the 1930s and 1970s, during the period of neo­liberalism in the 1980s and 1990s, and in that of post-neo­liberalism since around 2000. It seeks to relate busi­ness power to the establish­ment, consoli­dation and sustaina­bility of more pluralist and open sys­tems of government, identi­fying ways in which it affects politi­cal stability in the region. It provides a se­quel to the book written by James Malloy and Cathe­rine Conaghan thirty years ago on ‘unsettled state­craft’ in the Andean region. The monograph will be launched as a part of the LAC Main Seminar Series.



  • Laurence Whitehead, Nuffield College


  • David Doyle, University of Oxford

When: Friday 1 December, 5:00pm
Where: Latin American Centre,1 Church Walk, Oxford (UK) and online via Zoom