Sustainable Regional Peacebuilding in Africa: Practices and Disconnect

Conference of MIASA Interdisciplinary Fellow Group 9 with Antonia Witt

African regional organi­zations like the African Union (AU), ECO­WAS and IGAD are increa­singly impor­tant actors in resol­ving conflicts and buil­ding peace on the conti­nent. In so doing, these organi­zations follow the aim of not only addressing the most imme­diate challenges to peace and security on the conti­nent, but to also do so in a sustain­able way, pre­venting future con­flicts and creating the con­ditions for long-term peace­ful societal coexis­tence. At the level of policy doc­trines, sustaina­bility has become a key con­cept in matters of peace and security and sustain­able peace­building a guiding idea for how to build peace today. This effec­tively implements a key in­sight from peace and con­flict research: that (societal) peace ulti­mately requires more funda­mental trans­formations than the ces­sation of violence. But what is sustain­able peace­building? And how can it be achieved under con­ditions of a com­plex web of actors involved in peace­building today?

Contrary to these policy ideas, the diverse peace and security prac­tices of African regional organi­zations have been critiqued for so far pre­dominantly focu­sing on the most immediate challen­ges and for favouring short-term and top-down mea­sures at the expense of more long-term, inte­grative, and compre­hensive engage­ments as laid out in the policy frame­works. Against this back­ground, the con­ference engages the two inter­related questions: What does sustain­able peace­building mean for different ac­tors (local, national, regional, inter­national, etc.)? And what are enabling and con­straining factors for (more) sus­tainable peace­building by African regional organi­zations?

Antonia Witt will present on Violent Extremism and Anticipatory Governance in Ghana at the second panel ‟Local-International Tensions in Sustainable Peacebuilding" and chair the forth panel ‟Politics of Sustainable Peacebuilding within African Regional Organizations"

When: Monday, November 27, 09:00Tuesday, November 28, 2023, 17:00
Where: Legon Centre for Inter­national Affairs and Diplo­macy (LECIAD), University of Ghana and via Zoom

The entire pro­gram and the link to the Zoom Call can be found on the MIASA website.